Sleeping Better Naturally

This is a Proven Step by Step Method - the Result of over 25 years of research, testing and development - to help you get better sleep every night and enjoy a happier, healthier, more productive life.

Why are these videos Good for you?

If you have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep through the night you can get five videos - free - with valuable information and tips to help you sleep better.   Wake refreshed and energized in the morning and be at your best with your family and jobs every day.  Be a happier, healthier, more productive, more creative you.

Here's What You'll Get!


Quality Sleep - Foundation of Health

Learn about the impact on your physical, mental and emotional health when you get it – and what happens when you don’t.  Learn about the relationship between sleep loss to  major chronic illnesses and mental illnesses.

Why Some Methods Work - and Some Don't

Why Some Methods to Get Better Sleep Fail – and Why The Sleep Mastery Method Succeeds

Do You Really Know the Root Cause of Your Health Issues?

Have You Misdiagnosed the Root Cause of Your Health Issues? – Is Sleep Loss an Underlying Cause that must be addressed for better health and healing – and – by getting better sleep you 10X the benefits of eating well, fitness, meditation, personal development, good health and healing protocol

Impact of Sleep on Your Brain Health

Learn findings of Sleep Science research from Harvard, UC, and other labs -- links between sleep loss, dementia, alzheimer's and other serious health issues

Monica's Miracle -- a Case Study

Monica had a lot happening in her life - as a mom, spouse, senior manager -- lots of issues in each area.  Monica found that the real cause of most of her problems was sleep loss.  She describes the results of the Sleeping Better Naturally Master Class as a "Miracle" in her life.  She got her life back.

About The Founders

Marilee and Dr. Duncan Goheen, founders of Global Integrated Energy (since 1990) – Health and Wellness Clinic with Training Programs – have developed a proven step by step method to get better sleep every night. Sleeping Better Naturally.


If you have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep through the night you can get five videos by Marilee and Dr. Goheen – free – with valuable information and tips to help you sleep better so you wake refreshed and energized in the morning and be at your best with your family and jobs every day to become a happier, healthier, more productive, more creative you.


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